Ultimate frisbee requires speed, agility, and stamina. How do you train for it all and peak at the right time? Sign up to learn about our training philosophy and get tips and tricks you can use to make your off season count.
Everything you need to make the most of your off season training as you prepare for the coming ultimate frisbee year.
Learn how athletes use the off season to get greater athletic adaptation and prepare for the upcoming season. You'll understand why the off season is important and how to structure your training even if you play frisbee all year long.
Understand the strength training protocols that translate to on-field performance. You'll learn why and how to change up your training protocols for maximum strength and power adaptation. And we'll give you some new exercises to add to your programming.
Get specific examples of how to structure an off season plan to help you peak at tryouts in April, regionals in September, or anything in between. Scheduling is often overlooked by ultimate players. But if you want the to unleash your athletic potential, you need a long term plan. We'll show you what that looks like.
Start working on your plan for athletic success!
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Learn everything you need to know about off season training for ultimate! Get exercise and scheduling suggestions. Learn the science behind the programming.