The Classroom
Continue your professional coaching development. Take what you learn in our annual conference and push it further. Join our experienced coaches in study sessions, find a mentor, take a mini-course on offensive strategies, or video-analysis, or mental-toughness...
- Access to our entire Coaching Library. Over 120 presentations on coaching and teaching Ultimate from the best in the world.
- Coaching certification. Access to all the educational materials you need to complete your UAP Coaching Certification. Earn education credits for UK Ultimate and Ultimate Canada (some restrictions apply).
- Downloadable extras. Get practice plans and worksheets tailored towards talks.
- Short-courses. Learn from experts in short-courses about film analysis, mental training, and the physics of disc flight.
- Get your coaching challenges addressed by our expert UAP Coaches in our members-only group on Facebook.
- Access to any and all new content we create during the year.